
Electricity Saving Tips At Home And Alternative Method

Fig- Electricity Saving                                                                   Electricity saving tips at home There are numerous tips on home energy conservation, starting from small habits in daily lives to big investments that not only help the environment but also reduce your energy bills. So what are some of the simple tips to reduce energy consumption at home? Understand your energy bill. The information on a typical energy bill can be confusing, but understanding it can go a long way to helping you get to grips with your energy use at home.  Energy efficiency means you are using less energy to do the same jobs, reducing your home's energy waste and saving money. To effectively increase your energy efficiency involves more than just using less energy - it requires you becoming aware of how energy is use...

Women Empowerment And Understanding

Women Empowerment Women Empowerment Women empowerment means their capacity to participate as equal partners in cultural, social, economic and political systems of a society. Even though the world economy has developed into global economy, in both developed and developing countries women have been suppressed in all walks of life for generations. Women empowerment is far easier said than done. Education is a very powerful tool for women empowerment without education, none can be perfect. So, the importance of education is for communication with others. In ancient times, most of the women have no freedom of will in education. The ancient Hindu philosophical concept of 'Shakthi', The feminine principle of energy, was also a product of this age. In India even today people worship Goddess "Sarasvati" as the Goddess of education. In the British period women's education was much more deplorable. Education is a major tool for their independency, and through which they were...

Rainwater Saving, Necessity, Storage Method At Our Home

  Rain Water Saving And Necessity Water is, undoubtedly, the top natural resource you need for your home use.  It’s glamorous to possess a stockpile of guns, gold, and jeweler, but without water, life might prove to be unbearable. Water shortages are sometimes inevitable, and so if you’re not prepared for the eventuality, you might find yourself between a rock and a hard place. The best and cheapest alternative to the traditional water supply systems is rainwater harvesting.  However, to be able to harvest rainwater, you’ll need to install a rainwater harvesting system. We all take water for granted. It is one of those natural resources that most people do not put a lot of thought into, but in order to continue enjoying that free supply of water for many more years, changes must be made. Rainwater harvesting is an innovative technique utilized to harvest rainwater from roofs and other above surfaces to be stored for later use. Rain harvested water can be used for garden...

Black Pepper, The King Of Spices

  Fig- Black pepper Black Pepper (King Of Spices) Black pepper, (Piper nigrum), also called pepper, perennial climbing vine of the family Piperaceae and the hotly pungent spice made from its fruits. Both whole black peppercorns and ground black pepper are commonly used in cooking . Introduction About Black Pepper In addition to adding flavor to foods, black pepper may act as an antioxidant and offer a variety of health benefits. The plant is widely cultivated throughout Indonesia and has been introduced into tropical areas of Africa and of the Western Hemisphere. Pepper became an important article of overland trade between India and Europe and often served as a medium of exchange; tributes were levied in pepper in ancient Greece and Rome. Widely used as a spice around the world, pepper also has a limited usage in medicine as a carminative (to relieve flatulence) and as a stimulant of gastric secretions .In early historic times pepper was widely cultivated in the tropics of Southe...

Washing Machine Maintenance For Long Life - Front And Top Load

Washing Machine Maintenance From regular wear like t-shirts, tops and pants to heavier clothes like towers, bed sheets and curtains, these machines have made our lives easier and better. The truth is, you or your family can do most of these things right at your home. It makes sense, therefore, to keep these machines running in good condition. Regular washing machine maintenance goes a long way in helping these machines last for years to come. Most of us rely on our washing machines to do the tedious task of washing our clothes.   Major Maintenance Tips Here are a few washing machine maintenance tips that will help you to take care of your appliance better.  Deep Cleaning People expect their washing machines to give 100% every time. The main reason behind this is the scaling that occurs due to the micro-residuals present in the water. Use a strong machine cleaner that is able to remove all the scaling without damaging the metal and plastic parts of the appliance. This can be a ...

Life Style Changes To Lower The Cholesterol In Our Body And An Ayurvedic diet

Fig- Cholesterol Cholesterol        Cholesterol is essential for your body, as it develops vitamins and builds cells and hormones. Due to such build-ups, the risk of heart attacks and heart diseases increases significantly. Cholesterol is like a fatty substance that is present in your blood. The liver generates the cholesterol that the body requires. However, even food products lead to the development of cholesterol. Though cholesterol is necessary for your body, excess of it can cause cardiovascular diseases. If your body has too much cholesterol, it will blend with the toxins and other harmful substances in your blood, resulting in plaque that sticks to the arteries’ walls.              High Density Lipoprotein(HDL)-Good Cholesterol HDL is considered good because it gets processed by the liver and is eventually removed from your bloodstream before it can develop plaque on the walls of the arteries. Good cholesterol is known as hi...

How to protect our health in summer, health tips, common infectious, diseases

Fig- Summer Summer - The Clear Sky Summer says us to take care of your health .. Some common idea to keep as healthy and safely;  🌞Avoid outside food  🌞Roadside food can be contaminated and may lead to foodborne illnesses.  🌞 Drink plenty of water  🌞 Heat and sweat in the summer months can leave your body dehydrated, causing unwanted health           outcomes such as fever and chills. Heavy meals with large amounts of carbohydrates and fats give         rise to a lot of heat in the body. If at all possible, try to reduce the amount of these favorite                       beverages, especially during hot weather. am or late evenings after 5.00 pm.  🌞 Eat healthy and light         Eat light, small, frequent meals. Stay indoors  🌞 Restrict outdoor activities to the cooler parts of the day – early mornings before 11. ...

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