Rainwater Saving, Necessity, Storage Method At Our Home


Rain Water Saving And Necessity

Water is, undoubtedly, the top natural resource you need for your home use. 

It’s glamorous to possess a stockpile of guns, gold, and jeweler, but without water, life might prove to be unbearable. Water shortages are sometimes inevitable, and so if you’re not prepared for the eventuality, you might find yourself between a rock and a hard place.

The best and cheapest alternative to the traditional water supply systems is rainwater harvesting. 

However, to be able to harvest rainwater, you’ll need to install a rainwater harvesting system.

We all take water for granted. It is one of those natural resources that most people do not put a lot of thought into, but in order to continue enjoying that free supply of water for many more years, changes must be made.

Rainwater harvesting is an innovative technique utilized to harvest rainwater from roofs and other above surfaces to be stored for later use. Rain harvested water can be used for garden and crop irrigation, watering livestock, laundry, and flushing toilets. However, you cannot use harvested rainwater for showering, bathroom sink, or kitchen use because it’s not really fit for consumption.

In a normal scenario, the rainwater is collected from roof buildings and then stored inside of a special tank. Rainwater harvesting systems are designed after assessing site conditions that include rainfall pattern, incident rainfall, subsurface strata, and their storage characteristics. Rainwater harvesting is popular all across the world, although in countries that are very dry, such as Australia, it is even more popular.

Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting rainwater from surfaces on which rain falls, filtering it and storing it for multiple uses. 

Rainwater harvesting puts the supply of water back to normal levels. It is the collection and storage of water from surfaces that rain has fallen upon.

Rainwater can be harvested and used by those in the city who have running city water just as well as it can be used by those in more rural towns where the adequate water supply may be unavailable.

It is simple to replace many things that you are using regular city water with rainwater and enjoy numerous benefits when you do. 

Not only it helps you to conserve water but it can also help you to save energy as they need to maintain a centralized water system that can be bypassed.

If you are worried about your roof being dirty, put that fear to the side. Many different tools are available to help you easily clean your roof. Hiring a roofer to com provide you with cleaning is another option that you will have available.

Individuals are driven to harvest rainwater because of a wide range of factors such as unpredictable weather patterns, enhanced costs of infrastructure, and the explosion of water consumption. On top of that, most businesses and homes are looking to embrace green practices to become efficient and a lot more self-reliant. In this case, rainwater presents the obvious choice because it is the easiest and quickest method to minimize water consumption. 

Most homeowners that have embraced this practice have reported a reduction of about 50% in water bills. 

On top of helping to reduce water bills, rainwater harvesting helps the environment a lot.

Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting

The collection of rainwater and harvesting it for everyday use has an ample number of exciting benefits. 

Let’s take a look and discover some of those benefits.

1. Provides a Backup Source of Water

There are many uncertainties in water supply systems. Droughts may lead to a shortage of water. 

Destruction of water supply systems may occur at specific locations. 

Major repairs and maintenance in water companies happen sporadically.

All these variables lead to the unavailability of water in your home. 

So, installing a rainwater harvesting system is the best course of action to continue enjoying water supply in case any of the above variables occur.

The collected rainwater can be used for many different purposes around the home. 

This includes laundry, washing dishes, and more. This would prevent groundwater depletion and augment groundwater table.

2. Ecological Benefits

The ecological benefits of rainwater harvesting are immense. 

An activity like flushing the toilet, for instance, attributes to about 25%- 35% of home water usage. 

Add up the amount of water used to irrigate the lawn, do laundry, wash cars and the total amount of water used is simply astronomical.

The ecological benefit rainwater harvesting systems bring is that there will be a significant reduction in the amount of water used from the mains. This, ideally, means that water companies will not have to artificially pump in water from rivers and lakes. This will help minimize the possibility of rivers drying up.

Another great ecological benefit of rainwater harvesting systems is that they help reduce the load placed upon drainage systems, minimizing the impacts of flooding by funneling the runoff water into large tanks for recycling.

For businesses, more so hospitality establishments that accommodate a big number of guests in a single location, require a lot of water to satisfy customers. Rainwater harvesting will simply help to fill this gap.

3. Easy to Maintain

Rainwater harvesting systems are considerably easy to maintain since they are not utilized for drinking, cooking, or other sensitive uses. This means that they will not need the installation of purification systems, which are usually expensive.

Rainwater harvesting systems are cost-effective, provide high-quality water, reduce dependence on wells. The surplus rainwater can also be used to recharge groundwater aquifer through artificial recharge techniques.

4. Reduces Erosion and Flooding Around buildings

Most buildings that utilize rainwater harvesting systems have a built-in catchment area on top of the roof, which is capable of collecting vast amounts of water in case of rainstorms.

It helps to reduce soil erosion as by capturing rainwater, the flow of stormwater is reduced which can also prevent urban flooding. If the water were not collected efficiently, it could have resulted in serious soil erosion and flooding around the house.

5. Requires Low Upfront Capital Investment

Installation of a rainwater harvesting system is not that expensive, plus it’s a one-time installation, and that’s it. The only routine maintenance required is cleaning out the tank. You will probably hire an expert technician to install the system for you.

The technician won’t quote a high price, plus he will offer free advice on the best rainwater system to buy. He will also help out when buying the system to ensure you get the best quality rainwater harvesting system. When you sum up the overall cost of installing the system, you’ll find that it’s actually manageable.

Once you begin using rainwater you will also appreciate a reduced amount of water consumption in the home, thus all of your utility bills will greatly shrink in size. How incredible would it be to slash as much as 50 to 60% off of your water bill each month? No complaints about having additional money in the pocket each and every month.

Fig- Rain water saving diagram


Simple Method For Saving Rain Water At Home

1. Cleaning your catchment area: 

This is the place where most of the rainwater is received and can be diverted from. 

First of all, you need to clean your roof or catchment area to prevent any dirt or other unnecessary materials from contaminating the water. 

Over the years, rooftop rainwater harvesting has emerged as one of the most popular options in India as it is easily doable.

2. Redirecting water with pipes: 

Rainwater will be redirected towards the container through PVC pipes. 

These PVC pipes or gutters come in cylindrical Synopsis

We can take a few little steps to reduce our dependence on groundwater. To start with, we could save rainwater at our home or building in an effective manner without spending too much money.

shapes and can be easily attached to the drain pipes on the roof to redirect the water towards the storage tank.

3. Installing rain separator and storage tank filter: 

The next step is to install the first rain separator or the washout pipe. 

It is basically a simple valve to block the entry of water into the tank while cleaning the roof and also during the initial stages of raining, when the water could be of poor quality due to air pollution and other factors. 

This valve requires cleaning after every rain to discharge wastewater or dust-filled water, which we usually get during the start of the rainy season. Besides that, you need to install another filter right on the storage tank to get clean water. 

This filter is also used to prevent the entry of dust and other small particles into the storage tank.

4. Overflow pipe for the extra water: 

You also need to install an overflow pipe on top of your storage tank to release excess water. 

It is recommended that you put your storage tank at an elevated place to prevent any sort of bacterial or fungi growth around it and also for keeping it away from the reach of stray dogs or other animals.

Save water save lives save future give better tomorrow to our young generation.

Being a better human might be produce a better surrounding's🙂



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