Health Benefits Of Nungu(Ice Apple), Nutritive Value And Source Of Nungu, Palm Sugar And Benefits

Fig- Palm tree with fruit (Nungu) Health benefits of ice apple (nungu) Scientific name - Borassus flabellifer The fruit is a native of south and south-east Asia . In India, it is mostly found in the western and southern regions and has a variety of names. It is known as taadgola in Marathi and Gujarati, nungu or nungu in Tamil, thaati nungu in Kannada, paal nungu in Malayalam, thaati bonda in Tulu, and thaati munjalu in Telugu. The tree reaches to a height of 30 metres (98 ft) and lives more than 100 years. In the initial stage, the young palmyra palm grows slowly, but grows faster with age. Looped with leaf scars, the covering can be seen with green-bluish leaves together with several dozen fronds diffusing 3 m (9.8 ft) diagonally. Ringed with leaf scars, the large trunk of the tree bears a resemblance to that of the coconut tree. Borne in clusters, the fruit is just about 4 to 7 inches in diameter and has a black shell. In order to let slip the three sweet jelly seed sockets,...