Ash Gourd - Nutritive Value, Medicinal Value, Benefits And Recipes Using Ash Gourd

Fig- Ash Gourd Ash Gourd- Amazing fruit and as a vegetable This is a very auspicious vegetable. Ash Gourd is recognized for its medicinal properties in Ayurveda System of Medicine. Many delectable dishes like peta, (a sweet dish), soups, and curries are prepared by this fruit. Ash Gourd also used in different dishes all over India, as green pumpkin offer lots of health benefits in pregnancy, for hair and skin health and more : The seeds of this fruit are flat and white in color. Fruits of this plant are widely used for cooking in India, Pakistan, and China. Ash gourd is easily available throughout India. The length of matured fruit will be 1-1.5 ft. The Ash Gourd belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae and Benincasa hispida is its binomial name. It is also commonly known as Wax Gourd, Winter Melon, Green Pumpkin, or Ash Gourd. It is not just the fruit, which is useful, but its seeds and seed oil is equally beneficial in a different condition such as pregnancy, brain heal...