Life Style Changes To Lower The Cholesterol In Our Body And An Ayurvedic diet
Cholesterol is essential for your body, as it develops vitamins and builds cells and hormones. Due to such build-ups, the risk of heart attacks and heart diseases increases significantly. Cholesterol is like a fatty substance that is present in your blood. The liver generates the cholesterol that the body requires. However, even food products lead to the development of cholesterol. Though cholesterol is necessary for your body, excess of it can cause cardiovascular diseases. If your body has too much cholesterol, it will blend with the toxins and other harmful substances in your blood, resulting in plaque that sticks to the arteries’ walls.
High Density Lipoprotein(HDL)-Good Cholesterol
HDL is considered good because it gets processed by the liver and is eventually removed from your bloodstream before it can develop plaque on the walls of the arteries. Good cholesterol is known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
Low Density Lipoprotein(LDL)-Bad Cholesterol
Bad cholesterol is termed as low-density lipoprotein. If you have LDL, you must learn how to reduce cholesterol naturally. It increases the risk of heart attacks. On the other hand, LDL results in atherosclerosis, as it carries the cholesterol straight to the arteries.
Control High Cholesterol
Balanced Diet
Research has shown that cholesterol levels drop as soon as you stop smoking. With each month after quitting, LDL levels drop even more.
Moderate consumption means one serving a day for women and one to two servings per day for men.
Ayurvedic Tips
🔅 Drink a tea made of one teaspoon cinnamon and one-fourth teaspoon of the herbal mixture trikatu. Steep it for 10 minutes in a cupful of water; add one teaspoon honey and drink. This will help to 'scrape' off the fat from your system and reduce cholesterol levels.
🔅 Stick to a kaph-pacifying diet. Minimize the consumption of sweets and cold foods and drinks.
🔅 Garlic is said to be the most effective in preventing high cholesterol. You could also add one teaspoon of lime juice or 10 drops of apple cider vinegar to make the drink more effective.
🔅 Include more millets, quinoa, oatmeal, wheat, apples, grapefruit, and almonds to reduce cholesterol.
🔅 Make sure you engage in physical activities to regulate cholesterol.
🔅 Don't forget to eat a healthy diet and lead a right lifestyle to ensure healthy cholesterol levels. Avoid fatty food, cheese, processed foods, high-fat milk or yogurt. Take it about twice a day.
🔅 Taking half teaspoon trikatu with one teaspoon honey, two to three times a day, is good for burning ama (digestive fire) and excess kapha, further helping regulate cholesterol.
🔅 Another herb that has been known to effectively manage cholesterol levels in the body is chitrak-adhivati.
Drink one cup of hot water mixed with honey.
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