
Environmental Pollution(Part-1 of 4) Air Pollution, Pollutant And Control

                                                            Fig- Environmental pollution Environmental Pollution                                    Environmental pollution is defined as "The contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected." Environmental pollution is not a new phenomenon, yet it remains the world’s greatest problem facing humanity, and the leading environmental causes of morbidity and mortality. Environmental pollution is unwarranted disposal of mass or energy into earth’s natural resource pool such as water, land, or air that results in long- or short-term detriment to the atmosphere and its ecological health to negatively impact the living beings and their life both quantitatively and qualitatively. The pollutants may yield primary or secondary damages, of which the primary damage can be quantified and its impact monitored.  Man’s activities t

Banana, Whole Plant As Edible,Nutritive Value And Benefits

                                                  Fig- Banana tree                                  Meal on banana leaves (eco-friendly option) Serving on banana leaf                                                                   Fig- Banana Leaf In South India, there is this wonderful tradition of serving food to guests on these leaves on special occasions and festivals. most of the people living in the south of India, eat their food on banana leaves. The leaves are rich in anti-oxidants called polyphenols .  which are also found in some leafy vegetables. large amounts of polyphenols which are absorbed by the food. Being larger than the leaves of most plants, banana leaf can be cut in different sizes and can be placed on the platter of any size. Now a days people use banana leaves only on some occasions because the quality of the banana leaves is degraded with the use of unnatural fertilizers during farming. This resulted in lower quality of banana leaves and increased health ris

Mango (Seasonal fruit of India), Nutritive Value, Health Benefits And Recipes Using Mangoes

                                                                Fig- Mango Tree With Fruits Mango (Mangifera indica) A mango is sweetest fruit among other fruits produced by the tropical tree. It is the king of fruit . Indians have been cultivating this juicy fruit for more than 4000 years.  Spiritual, Hindus regard mango as the king of fruit and a symbol of prosperity and happiness. Mangoes are a summer seasonal fruit in India. The mango season lasts from March to May. It is cultivating south and south east Asia particularly in Tamil Nadu state, Salem district is well known place for mango in many varieties, here very famous variety named Malgova.   Mango is a National fruit of India and also of Pakistan and Philippines.  Mango tree is National tree of Bangladesh.  Every summer, the heady smell of mangoes ripening on trees and the velvety taste of home-made aamras bring happiness to countless Indian homes. "Childhood memories for many Indians include precarious attempts to pick

Pazhaya soru(fermented cooked rice) Nutritional Value, Rice's In India, Nutritive Vale, Health Benefits And Medicinal Value Of Coloured Rice

   Fig- Fermented Cooked Rice                                                       Pazhaya Soru (Overnight soaked cooked rice) Fermented rice played a big role in the lives of people. The bacteria that grow in the intestines due to this rice safeguard the internal organs and keep them fit and ready. This rice generates and harbors trillions of beneficial bacteria that help digestion and has many disease fighting and immunity developing agents. Brown rice is the best for this as its nutrients are retained intact. This rice has many health benefits. Next time when you have left over rice at home, do not waste it. Leftover rice is rich in fibre and it helps relieve constipation. In olden days, farmers and laborers, especially of South East Asia, who did a lot of physical work ate fermented rice for breakfast. Traditionally, it is eaten with a side dish, raw onion or green chili. The rice would ferment by the next morning and is eaten for breakfast. It has the rare B6 B12 vitamin

Electricity Saving Tips At Home And Alternative Method

Fig- Electricity Saving                                                                   Electricity saving tips at home There are numerous tips on home energy conservation, starting from small habits in daily lives to big investments that not only help the environment but also reduce your energy bills. So what are some of the simple tips to reduce energy consumption at home? Understand your energy bill. The information on a typical energy bill can be confusing, but understanding it can go a long way to helping you get to grips with your energy use at home.  Energy efficiency means you are using less energy to do the same jobs, reducing your home's energy waste and saving money. To effectively increase your energy efficiency involves more than just using less energy - it requires you becoming aware of how energy is used, where it's wasted, and how it can be used more effectively and efficiently in everyday life. Here are some top tips to help your home or business save energy

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